
Navigating user journey in Usermaven

Understanding how visitors interact with your website is crucial for optimizing user experience and conversion rates. Usermaven, a powerful tool, enables you to monitor a user's journey, providing insights into their interactions with your website, the pages they visit, and the duration of their stay. This article will guide you through the process of tracking the user journey in Usermaven, helping you harness these valuable insights for improved product performance.

What is a user journey?

A user journey encompasses the series of steps an individual takes to accomplish a specific goal on your website, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or accessing information. In Usermaven, you have the capability to meticulously track these journeys, gaining profound insights into how users engage with your website.

The user journey commences with a screen or an event that marks the initial stage of the user's progression. From there, you can seamlessly trace the subsequent screens viewed or events triggered by the user in their journey.

For instance, if the journey begins with a screen, you might observe that users first view a photo of a new product on your app, proceed to tap for a detailed description on another screen, and ultimately conclude their journey by making a purchase on your website. This tracking process provides invaluable insights into user behavior and interaction with your platform.

Use cases

Usermaven's “User Journey”' feature can be utilized to answer important questions about user behavior and interactions on your platform. By tracking and analyzing user journeys, you can gain valuable insights to improve user experience and product engagement. Some questions that you can answer using this feature are:

  • What did the user do immediately after signing up?
  • What are the most common sets of actions taken after opening the app?
  • What actions lead up to a successful subscription?
  • How do users navigate between account creation and sending their first message?

Identifying potential bottlenecks in this path can lead to streamlining opportunities.

Creating a new user journey

To set up a New User Journey for tracking in Usermaven, follow these user-friendly steps:

  1. To create a New User Journey, click on the “Create New User Journey” tab located at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. On the page that opens, you will encounter a 5-step process to configure your user journey.
  3. Provide a unique and descriptive name for your user journey. This name should clearly convey the purpose or scenario you wish to monitor. A brief optional description can be added to further define the journey.
  4. Customize the journey flow based on whether you want to visualize user actions before or after performing a specific event. You will need to set the event you intend to track. For instance, if you wish to see what users do after signing up, select "Visualizing what users did after performing the event of sign-up."
  5. Choose between session-based paths and user-based paths for your tracking:
    • Session-based paths: These analyze user interactions within a single session. A session encompasses all actions performed within a defined timeframe from the start of the user's visit to the end, or when the user is inactive for a specified duration.
    • User-based paths: User-Based Paths, often referred to as cross-session activity, offer a comprehensive view of user interactions throughout their entire lifespan with your website or application. This means that regardless of the number of sessions a user has engaged in on your website, all their actions from the initial interaction to the very end are taken into account for the path analysis.
  6. In this optional step, you can group multiple events or page URLs under a single alias. This simplifies tracking when you want to categorize similar actions or URLs together.
  7. Excluding Events or Page URLs is another optional step that allows you to exclude specific events or page URLs from your journey tracking. This can help filter out data that is not relevant to the user journey you are monitoring.
  8. After configuring these settings, click on “ Create” to create your user journey.

Upon completing these steps, you'll be directed to your user journey dashboard, where you can observe and analyze the user journey you've just set up in Usermaven.

Analyze the user journey flow

Usermaven's User Journey Report offers a comprehensive visual representation of how users navigate your website. This report illustrates the paths users follow, starting from a source, progressing through different pages, and pinpointing where they exit. By examining this flow, you gain valuable insights into your users' typical journey.

In the visual representation, the innermost circle signifies the initial step of the user journey. As you move outward on the flow chart, subsequent steps in the user journey become visible. Hovering your cursor over any step reveals essential information, including the total number of users who began their journey at that step, the drop-off rate, and the conversion rate for that specific stage.

Alongside the flow chart, you'll find a list of steps under the "Paths from All Entries" tab, aiding your analysis. Additionally, an “Interactive Depth Level” feature allows you to specify the number of steps to include in the user journey visualization, ranging from 2 to 12 levels, tailored to your preferences. This feature streamlines the view, providing an organized and interactive representation of the user journey.

analyzing user journey flow

Most commonly taken paths

The table located at the bottom of the User Journey page offers a convenient and structured representation of the most frequently followed paths taken by users in the specific user journey you've defined. This tabular format presents essential data for each step of the journey, aiding in clear visualization and analysis. For every step in the user journey, the table provides valuable insights:

  • Completion rate: This metric indicates the percentage of users who successfully completed the step in the journey.
  • Number of users: It displays the total count of users who initiated that particular step.
  • Drop-off rate: This rate is calculated by comparing the number of users at the current step with the number of users at the previous step, revealing the attrition or abandonment rate from one step to the next.

This structured presentation of data offers a user-friendly approach to understanding user behavior and identifying where users tend to exit your platform. It serves as a powerful tool for taking informed actions to address these drop-off points and enhance your product's performance.

most commonly taken paths