Vue.js Integration

Usermaven provides official SDKs for both Vue 3 and Vue 2 applications. Our SDK offers powerful features including:

  • Automatic tracking of page views and user interactions
  • Cross-domain tracking support
  • Flexible event tracking with custom payloads
  • URL randomization to avoid PII collection
  • Namespace support for multiple tracking instances

Vue 3 Integration

For a complete working example, check out our Vue 3 Example App (opens in a new tab).


For Vue 3 applications, install the @usermaven/vue package:

npm install @usermaven/vue
# or
yarn add @usermaven/vue


Initialize the Usermaven plugin in your Vue 3 application's main entry file (usually main.js or main.ts):

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { UsermavenPlugin } from '@usermaven/vue'
import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(UsermavenPlugin, {
    // Required Configuration
    key: 'your-api-key',           // Your Usermaven API key
    trackingHost: '',  // Your tracking server URL
    // Optional Configuration
    autocapture: true,             // Enable automatic event capturing
    autoPageview: true,            // Automatically track page views
    randomizeUrl: false,           // Randomize URLs to avoid PII collection
    // Cross-domain Tracking ( Optional )
    crossDomainLinking: false,     // Enable cross-domain tracking
    domains: ',',       // Specify allowed domains
    // Advanced Configuration ( Optional )
    namespace: 'my-app'            // Custom namespace for multiple tracking instances

Using Composables


The useUsermaven composable provides methods for tracking events and identifying users:

<script setup>
import { useUsermaven } from '@usermaven/vue'
const usermaven = useUsermaven()
// Track custom events
function onProductView(product) {
  usermaven.track('product_view', {
    category: product.category,
    price: product.price
// Identify users with detailed attributes
function onUserLogin() {{
    // Required attributes
    id: 'lzL24K3kYw',    // Unique ID for the user in database
    email: '', // Email address for the user
    created_at: '2021-01-20T09:55:35',   // DateTime string when user first signed up
    // Recommended attributes
    first_name: 'John',
    last_name: 'Smith',
    // Optional attributes
    custom: {
      plan_name: 'premium',
    // Company attributes (for multi-user products)
    company: {
      // Required Attributes
      id: 'uPq9oUGrIt', // Company ID in your database
      name: 'Usermaven', // Company Name in your database
      created_at: '2021-01-20T09:55:35',   // DateTime string when company first signed up
      // Optional attributes
      custom: {
        plan: 'enterprise',
        industry: 'Technology',
        website: '',
        employees: 20
    <button @click="onProductView(product)">View Product</button>


The usePageView composable handles page view tracking:

<script setup>
import { usePageView } from '@usermaven/vue'
// Automatically track page views
const _ = usePageView()

Vue 2 Integration


For Vue 2 applications, use the @usermaven/sdk-js package:

npm install @usermaven/sdk-js
# or
yarn add @usermaven/sdk-js

Plugin Setup

Create a plugin file (e.g., plugins/usermaven.js):

import Vue from 'vue'
import { usermavenClient } from '@usermaven/sdk-js'
export default {
  install(Vue) {
    // Initialize Usermaven with configuration
    const client = usermavenClient({
      // Required Configuration
      key: 'your-api-key',
      trackingHost: '',
      // Optional Configuration
      autocapture: true,             // Enable automatic event capturing
      autoPageview: true,            // Automatically track page views
      randomizeUrl: false,           // Randomize URLs to avoid PII collection
      // Cross-domain Tracking ( Optional )
      crossDomainLinking: true,      // Enable cross-domain tracking
      domains: ',',       // Specify allowed domains
      // Advanced Configuration ( Optional )
      namespace: 'my-app'            // Custom namespace for multiple tracking instances
    // Make usermaven available globally
    Vue.prototype.$usermaven = client

Register the plugin in your main.js:

import Vue from 'vue'
import UsermavenPlugin from './plugins/usermaven'
import App from './App.vue'
new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

Usage in Components

Track events and identify users in your Vue 2 components:

    <button @click="trackPurchase">Complete Purchase</button>
export default {
  name: 'CheckoutComponent',
  methods: {
    trackPurchase() {
      this.$usermaven.track('purchase_completed', {
        orderId: 'ORD-123',
        currency: 'USD'
  // Track page views
  mounted() {
    this.$usermaven.track('pageview', {
      title: document.title,
      path: this.$route.path

Route Change Tracking

Implement page view tracking with Vue Router:

// In your router configuration
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import routes from './routes'
const router = new VueRouter({
router.afterEach((to, from) => {
  Vue.prototype.$usermaven.track('pageview', {
    title: document.title,
    path: to.path,
    referrer: from.path
export default router

Configuration Options

Here's a detailed explanation of all available configuration options:

  • key (required): Your Usermaven API key
  • trackingHost (required): The URL of your tracking server

Optional configurations:

  • autocapture: Enable automatic event capturing (default: false)
  • autoPageview: Automatically track page views (default: false)
  • randomizeUrl: Randomize URLs to avoid PII collection (default: false)
  • namespace: Custom namespace for multiple tracking instances
  • crossDomainLinking: Enable cross-domain tracking (default: false)
  • domains: Specify allowed domains for cross-domain tracking (e.g., ',')

There are more options available in the documentation, but these are the most common ones. For a complete list, refer to the Reference Guide (opens in a new tab).